MM57163N Replacement Module

MM57163N Replacement module shown in a Max2 (481) Credit Unit

The MM57163N module is a reverse engineered drop-in replacement for the original MM57163N.

This is the display driver chip that was first shipped with the Rock-Ola MAX 477 series of Jukeboxes in 1979.

The MM57163N drives the jukeboxes vacuum fluorescent displays with data sent from the credit unit CPU. This display data is latched and shown on the jukeboxes displays and is only updated when a new display command is received from the CPU.

Max 2 Display working with the replacement MM57163N Module

Each segment and grid is driven by its own transistor which can be seen on the underside of the board. This approach was taken to keep the module as close to the original chip size as possible in order to make installation as easy as possible.

Bottom and Top of the bare MM57163N module

The MM57163N module is encased in a custom enclosure that protects it from the surrounding environment.

MM57163N fitted in its enclosure

MM57163N module installed in a 477 Credit Unit (without top rider)

Side view showing Max 477 Credit unit space restrictions

Max 477 Credit Unit with rider boards installed

More information can be found here